Aleksandra Petković, menadžer Longa Vita poliklinike

Aleksandra Petković

Magistar ekonomskih nauka, suštinski se zalaže za ideje integrativne medicine koja spaja vekovna znanja tradicionalne medicine i naučna i tehnološka dostignuća savremene medicine. Menadžer je Poliklinke Longa Vita Niš i Longa Vita Aesthetica antiaging centra a njena osnovna misija je da se pacijenti i klijenti uvažavaju i leče kao neraskidivo jedinstvo uma, duha i tela.

Involved in sports activites from an early age, she brings her sportsmanship to her own business. She uses it to inspire her business team, while her competitive spirit does not allow her to descend from the very top in expertise, knowledge, professionalism, service, and welfare for clients. She has also instilled her vision that every person is an individual in their own right in all her associates, who pay equal attention to each client individually, respecting their wishes and needs.